Red Raspberry Leaf Tea - The Birth Shop

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Regular price $5.80
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*Available as loose tea herbs or individual unbleached tea filter paper bag

Raspberry Leaf Tea supports female systems. The use and benefits of this herb for pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding date back to the sixth century and has been recorded as a proven aid in the most ancient of herbal books.

Raspberry Leaf Tea provides a rich source of Vitamin A, B complex, C and E, as well as the minerals Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium. These nutrients make it an excellent prevention and treatment for anemia and leg cramps, as well as a beneficial remedy for the reduction of morning sickness.

It is believed that Raspberry Leaf Tea, if taken regularly through pregnancy and labor can also:

 • Soothe and prevent bleeding gums, mouth ulcers and inflammations which many pregnant women often experience

• Gives tone to the muscles of the pelvis and uterus

• Relax the smooth muscles of the uterus when it is contracting

• Assist with the birth of the baby and the placenta

• Calm cramping of the uterus

The high mineral content also assists in the production of breast milk. The uterine toning has assists contractions and checks any hemorrhage during labor. As an astringent it is useful in a wide range of cases, including diarrhoea, leucorrhea and other loose conditions. It is also used for the following:

• To aid fertility

• As a gargle it will help sore throats, sore mouths, canker of the throat and ulcers

• As a wash for wounds.

• To regulate irregular menstrual cycle and decreases heavy periods

• To reduce fever

Raspberry Leaf Tea's robust, full-bodied flavour is reminiscent of fine black tea, making it an excellent choice in a caffeine-free breakfast or afternoon tea.

How is Raspberry Leaf Tea taken?

1st Trimester: One cup per day

2nd Trimester: Two cups per day

3rd Trimester: Up to 4 or 5 cups throughout the day

This herbal tea is not to be boiled. Bring the water to a boil. Add the water to the herbs immediately either in a mug or a teapot. The herbs must be left to steep in the hot water for about 15 minutes.

If you prefer, add a bit of honey or a slice of lemon to taste.

Measuring the tea

Per cup/mug: Use a full tea-ball or 1 teaspoon full of the herbs.

Per litre: Use about 6 - 8 teaspoons full of the herbs.


The tea can be stored in your refrigerator for a couple of days. The tea can be taken hot or iced.

Please store the dried tea in the refrigerator to keep the herbs dry and fresh.

1 packet of Raspberry Leaf Tea is 50g (makes about 25 to 30 cups)


Individual Tea Bags of 20. (Each tea bag is approximately 2.5 inches by 2.5 inches with no string and no tag.